July 28, 2010

Inhale and Reeeeaaaaccchhhh!

I think most people know by now that I host a power yoga class in my living room once a week.  We work hard, but have a good time visiting too. Starting in September, we will go to twice a week!  I lead the class through a series of challenging poses which focus on muscle strength and endurance.  Then we'll immediately stretch out the muscle we just worked, but we don't focus on relaxation or flexibility, just getting stronger.  It's about an hour to 75 minutes, and I love doing it.  It means I have people that want to come do yoga with me/be tortured by me!  At yesterday's class we had Abby take some pictures, since she has a sprained wrist and can't do a lot of the poses right now.  We also had a special guest, Amy's daughter Lilly.  We tried to keep conversation clean for her little ears, which meant we were uncharacteristically silent during yoga class this week. Anyway, photos below!

Amy and her daughter Lilly demonstrate downward-facing dog:

Downward dog is a great shoulder strengthener! We can now hold it up to 4 minutes, and typically do this or variations at least 3 times per class!  Look at Edie's strong arms :)

The movie room group watches as I demonstrate the new ab move for the day.

One of two leg strengtheners we did yesterday.  This one also requires lots of balance and flexibility.

Child's pose is hard, but I think we are getting the hang of it!

Christine, Edie, Johanna and Abby work on balance.  Mostly Abby is propping her leg up on the couch I think...

Thanks again to all my pupils (Johanna, Amy, Edie, Christine, Rosy, Abby, Lindsey); pretty soon you will be able to teach your own classes!  Happy Wednesday!


  1. Love the pictures and thanks for the strong arms comment :) you forgot tell everyone about your rescue!!!

  2. Ooohhhh I wish I could come to your Yoga class! Maybe we can set up laptops and I can Skype yoga with you guys? :)

  3. yes! that would be a technological adventure!
