July 19, 2010

Senatobia High School Class of 2000 ("What TIME is it?")

This past weekend was my class reunion.  I didn't graduate with this class, but only spent about 1 year at the high school I graduated from, so I still view SHS as my home.

Rob and I made the trek to Senatobia, MS, and stayed with my best friend (Alaina) from elementary and high school and her two kids.  She lives in her childhood home, a house I spent at least 50% of my time at.  So it was cool to go back and spend the weekend now that we are in totally different phases of life.

There weren't a LOT of people I cared about seeing at the reunion, which is good because not a lot of our classmates chose to participate.  I hear that's the norm for class reunions.  Mine and Alaina's friend Cathy was there, so the three of us quickly settled at a table to reminisce, and mostly to laugh at everyone else.  Just like old times!

Of course there are some people that are just as big a pain the ass as they always were.  And there are plenty that have kids.  And there are a surprising lot of them that have been married at least twice.  That's a lot of life to live before the age of 28. And, of course, there were those that spent WAY more time talking to me at the reunion than they ever talked to me in high school.  And there are those that I was waiting to un-friend on facebook until after the reunion.  The unfriending began early this morning.

We left the reunion about two hours after arriving, and went next door to hear some great live music and have some more drinks.  Following that was a trip to the patio.  All of this = the latest night out I've had in months.

The next day I went to church with Alaina's family (sister Amy, her husband Jeremy, their two kids Jacob and Aubry, Alaina, her two kids Karis and Brooklynn, her mom Gail, and her boyfriend Perk).  Our pew was filled, but Rob was absent.  Which led to some hushed embarrassing explanations about why he was absent.  But hey, we are YOUNG, and sometimes you just gotta have a hangover.  I have to admit, while I felt fine, I would have much rather been sleeping.  Anyway, after church Rob met all of us at Amy's house for a homemade lasagna lunch (DELISH), and we headed home.

A great weekend!  We also took Bells with us, and she is becoming a great travel companion!

Photos below:

Alaina and "Perk", her new man.  Let's just say the husband was a dud, and now she's on to smoother waters and nicer men.

Rob and I, dressed up and ready for a fun night out with my old friends.  He made some new ones, and continued his old friendship with Bacardi.  

Alaina and I, mischievous as always.

A LARGE amount of giggling erupted pretty much the moment Cathy walked in the door.

An attempt at a class photo.  

The class of 2000, grown-up, but not mature.

Warrior Spirit!

The next day,we head home with our tired little doggy in the backseat!  She had as much fun as we did-spending a weekend in the country playing with other pups. She's becoming quite the traveler.

That is all!  Happy Monday!

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