July 9, 2010

An email from my boss...

Let me preface this by saying I think my boss is awesome.  She's direct, encouraging, patient, and extremely successful without being anywhere close to a frigid bitch.  She's a freakishly good anatomist but will admit she knows nothing about cell signaling. She comes to my power yoga class and joins in whatever crude conversation we are having that day while we hang out in downward-facing dog for 4-6 minutes.  (Recently it was anal bleaching that caught our attention for whatever reason.) She believes in weekends wholeheartedly and loves animals more than pretty much anything.  Even tadpoles.  She has seven cats (one is so old that she hand feeds it baby food), and two dogs.

She sent me one email all week, and this was it:


That's right.  Dogs on the beach, set to "Walking on Sunshine".

1 comment:

  1. hm. what i meant was, she sent me one email today and this was it.
    either way, hilarious.
