July 20, 2010

Crazy People with Lopsided Wigs

If you are easily offended or have delicate sensibilities, then please stop reading!

What I learned yesterday in the Publix parking lot from a crazy lady wearing a lopsided wig:

1.  A mouth is no place for a penis.  (Rob=sadface when this news was relayed.)

2.  Pornography will affect you, maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will affect you.  It's Satan's work. 

3.  If you are home by yourself and have sexual feelings, you should stop and pray because Satan is trying to get you.

4.  Men are here to entertain women and we should just lay still and wait for them to do so.

5.  I should wear my hair down in my face to protect my face from the sun.

6.  Said face is a mess, and I should wear sunscreen everyday and avoid milk and bread.

7.  I should exercise much more than I do and my stomach will be flatter.

8. I am aging prematurely.  (For the record, she thought I was 21, not almost 29.)



  1. Awww poor Rob! It is also very sad that if you are not exercising enough and aging prematurely I have no chance in hell :)

    You should have told her that straightening her wig would protect her from the sun.

  2. Hey! I did not know that you were blogging but I'm soooo happy that you are. I will totally tune into this.

  3. maybe you should have just plugged your ears with your fingers and run away yelling JESUS JESUS JESUS
